Motivational Workshops, motivation seminars, motivation programs, motivation training, employees motivation, employees training & development, HRDC approved motivation seminars, HRDC approved motivation programs, PSMB approved motivation seminars, motivation & inspiration, training on motivation, motivational speakers,
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  Training Programme
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Motivational Workshops
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The Way of the Martial Arts
Motivational Workshops


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MOTIVATION to Boost Performance.

Doubt kills more dreams than failures ever will.

It’s about time to motivate your employees to up their performance. 

Employees productivity can up-perform by at least 2-3 times more if they are motivated, 

and if they are managed by a charismatic manager or supervisor.

Get them to be motivated to do the things they think they don't know how to do.

Get them to do the things they don’t like to do.

Get them to do the things that they are afraid to do.

Get them to cooperate with each other without fear of favor.

Get them to shift their paradigm and move out of their boxed-in-thinking.

"Mind-set change is the source of all positive mental tributaries

 and when mindset has been tuned, productivity goes up" 


Personal Transformation is the process of changing who you are and becoming the person you want to be or who you really are inside. It is an internal shift that brings us in alignment with our highest potential. 


Employees need to shift their perceptions towards work. Behaviors deem detrimental to a strong workplace culture must be cured. Besides various ways, employees must first and foremost be driven to focus on a positive work culture. It all starts with getting them motivated from time to time. 

Motivation is an internal state that propels individuals to engage in goal-directed behavior.

It is understood as a force that explains why people or animals initiate, continue, or terminate certain behavior. Motivation is studied in the fields like psychology, motivation science & philosophy

Click on the Programs' Title to view the 

Course Outline

Sales Samurai

Manifestations & Transformation


Sales Motivation Extravaganza

Recharge back your Enthusiasm


Reset your Mind, Be a High Achiever

Empowering Mindset Change for Success


Change your Mind, Change your Life


Achieve your Potential in Life

Empowering Mind-set Change for Happiness & Personal Success


Prepare yourself  for Success

Short Motivational Programs

Dynamic Development & Enrichment for Students


Brain Booster for Confidence Building & Peak Performance




Incentive: Inspiration / Drive / Enthusiasm / Impetus / Stimulus / Driving Force


Reason: Motive / Purpose / Rationale


Forces Determining Behavior

PSYCHOLOGY ~ the biological, emotional, cognitive, or social forces that activate and direct behavior


Comment on Motivation

People behave in a preset manner which is determined by their past experiences and move at a constant until ‘pushed’ by certain external forces. Such forces can be anything that awakens and inspire them.


The question is what type of motivation is required?

01) Personal Development Motivation?

02) Leadership Motivation?

03) Sales Motivation?

04) Customer Service Motivation?

05) Motivation towards Better Teamwork?

06) Motivation on accepting Change?

07) Time Management Motivation?

08) Motivation to develop a better attitude?

09) Motivation to improve Inter-personal Skills?

10)  Other


Rational to Effective Use of Motivation in Training

A Motivational Workshop can be tuned to cover all these areas as required

The BEST use of MOTIVATION is during the facilitation of specific subjects as mentioned above covering the – WHY? WHAT? WHEN? WHO? HOW? where details are spelt out, principles are shared, methods are introduced and procedures are set.


DRC Management & Training PLT


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Motivational Workshops, motivation seminars, motivation programs, motivation training, employees motivation, employees training & development, HRDC approved motivation seminars, HRDC approved motivation programs, PSMB approved motivation seminars, motivation & inspiration, training on motivation, motivational speakers,