Day 1
Module A
01. Time is Life
02. Performance Empowerment via
03. Renew your Life - Reviewing the 5
Areas of Happiness (Health-Mental-Family- Financial-Social-Career)
04. Lessons of Happiness from Mother
05. Simply Your Life-Style but Expand your
Module B
06. Understanding the Mechanics of
Paradigm (What is Paradigm, Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Effect, and Paradigm
07. Transforming into & Becoming a
‘Paradigm Pioneer’
08. Revolutionalize your Thoughts
09. Nega-Thiefs – Know the ‘Thieves’ who
deprive you of Success & Happiness
10. ‘Abundance Attitude'''' versus ''''Scarcity
Attitude’ - Developing the Right Attitude
11. The 3 Habits of Joy & Success –
Discipline Habit – Reality Habit – Action Habit
12. 19 Things Only People Who Over-think
All The Time Would Understand
13. De-freezing your Fixed Mind-set (Cure
yourself of ‘Pyschosclerosis’ or ‘Mental Hypothermia’)
14. Now is the Best Time to Develop a
‘Growth Mind-set’
Module C
15. 8 Things that People with Hidden Depression
16. 8 Tips to Create a Day to Recharge
your Motivation
17. 4 Potential Reasons Why Motivation
18. 10 Strategies Resilient People Use To
Bounce Back When Life Knocks Them Down
19. 8 Ways to Create a Motivation
20. Simple Steps to Fix a Really Bad Day
Day 2:
Module D
21. P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S – Understanding the
‘Positive Buttons’ of Problems is the Way Forward
22. ‘Flying Against the Wind’ - The Joy
of Embracing Changes & Accepting Challenges
23. Assessing the Root Cause of your
Premature Graying Character
24. The Law of Cause & Effect
25. ‘Even Eagles Need a Push’
26. ‘Why Walk when you can Fly’
27. Getting Out of the ‘Region of
28. The Principle of the S.W.O.R.D
Module E
29. Understanding the Psychosocial Work
30. The Incorporation of Good Ethics to
Synchronise Performance with Harmony
31. Ways to Establish Good Working
32. The 5 Self-Empowered Qualities of a
33. Achieving your ‘Performance Everest’
34. Absolute Teamwork is the Escalator
towards Peak Performance
35. Nothing is Impossible &
Impossible is Nothing
The motivational facilitator having gone
through the mills of humiliation, the drought of poverty, hard-knocks and
failures; and having worked with 10 multi-nationals both locally and abroad
whilst pursuing his education has much to share with his experience and
indeed will speak with utmost conviction”