Recharge Back Your Enthusiasm is a highly motivational training programme. People need mental defragmentation and reboot through reflective meditation and motivation from time to time. This motivation workshop is ideal to do just that.
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  Training Programme
Company's Profile
HRDC Public Seminars for Year 2025
Leadership and Management Seminars
Marketing-Sales-Service Seminars & Workshops
Motivational Workshops
Our Clients
Teambuilding-Teambonding Workshops
The Way of the Martial Arts
Recharge Back Your Enthusiasm



Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success."





Enthusiasm is all about zeal, fervor, keenness, passion, zest etc. It is the fuel that drives people to accept challenges and eagerly up-perform even against the odds. Truly, the person who has no more enthusiasm is the most ‘bankrupt’ person in the world. Overall the training session will be lively and fun; embalmed with principles, combined with philosophies and injected with the realities of life & work that will boost participants’ morale and spirit towards up-performing with pride and working with joy. This session is intended on flushing out the grime & dirt of negativities from all participants. All in all participants are expected to awaken their talents, gifts and callings as well as improve their teamwork.


Renew, Rekindle and Recharge your Job & Your Life with Enthusiasm

* “Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”

* “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”

* “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

* “Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.”

* “Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.”

* “None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.”

When your motivation is down, the effects can be worse than physical tiredness. You can’t concentrate; you procrastinate and become as lazy as possible. What’s worse, it is hard to tell that a motivation recharge is what you need.




Day 1

Module A

01. Time is Life

02. Performance Empowerment via Self-Appreciation

03. Renew your Life - Reviewing the 5 Areas of Happiness (Health-Mental-Family-   Financial-Social-Career)

04. Lessons of Happiness from Mother Nature

05. Simply Your Life-Style but Expand your Reach


Module B

06. Understanding the Mechanics of Paradigm (What is Paradigm, Paradigm Shift,   Paradigm Effect, and Paradigm Paralysis)

07. Transforming into & Becoming a ‘Paradigm Pioneer’

08. Revolutionalize your Thoughts

09. Nega-Thiefs – Know the ‘Thieves’ who deprive you of Success & Happiness

10. ‘Abundance Attitude'''' versus ''''Scarcity Attitude’ - Developing the Right Attitude

11. The 3 Habits of Joy & Success – Discipline Habit – Reality Habit – Action Habit

12. 19 Things Only People Who Over-think All The Time Would Understand

13. De-freezing your Fixed Mind-set (Cure yourself of ‘Pyschosclerosis’ or ‘Mental Hypothermia’)

14. Now is the Best Time to Develop a ‘Growth Mind-set’


Module C

15. 8 Things that People with Hidden Depression Do

16. 8 Tips to Create a Day to Recharge your Motivation

17. 4 Potential Reasons Why Motivation Falters

18. 10 Strategies Resilient People Use To Bounce Back When Life Knocks Them Down

19. 8 Ways to Create a Motivation Recharge

20. Simple Steps to Fix a Really Bad Day


Day 2:

Module D

21. P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S – Understanding the ‘Positive Buttons’ of Problems is the Way Forward

22. ‘Flying Against the Wind’ - The Joy of Embracing Changes & Accepting Challenges

23. Assessing the Root Cause of your Premature Graying Character

24. The Law of Cause & Effect

25. ‘Even Eagles Need a Push’

26. ‘Why Walk when you can Fly’

27. Getting Out of the ‘Region of Mediocrity’

28. The Principle of the S.W.O.R.D


Module E

29. Understanding the Psychosocial Work Environment

30. The Incorporation of Good Ethics to Synchronise Performance with Harmony

31. Ways to Establish Good Working Relationship

32. The 5 Self-Empowered Qualities of a Leader

33. Achieving your ‘Performance Everest’

34. Absolute Teamwork is the Escalator towards Peak Performance

35. Nothing is Impossible & Impossible is Nothing


The motivational facilitator having gone through the mills of humiliation, the drought of poverty, hard-knocks and failures; and having worked with 10 multi-nationals both locally and abroad whilst pursuing his education has much to share with his experience and indeed will speak with utmost conviction”




·         Establish a harmonious working culture

·         Build confidence and boost performance

·         Develop passion in work

·         Prevent performance burn-out

·         Boosting individual and team enthusiasm at work



Training Methodology:

       ·         Interactive Lecture on Motivation

       ·         Magical Motivation

       ·         Light Activities

       ·         Self-reflection

       ·         Case Study

       ·         Group Discussion

       ·         Motivation Video Clips

       ·         Light Music & Songs



Duration: 2 Days – Both days from 9am – 5pm

Maximum Number of Participants: 30 pax

Professional Fee: ........ inclusive of handouts and certificates of participation





Dr. William Leon Chua PhD, is the Founder, Chief Trainer and Principal Consultant of DRC Management & Training PLT. He is a sought-after management consultant; and compelling corporate trainer & motivator on Leadership Empowerment, Strategic Management, Teambuilding, Inter-personal & Communication skills, Strategic Marketing, Professional Selling Skills, Customer Service, Sun Tzu Art of War, Corporate Ethics, Mind-set Change, TQM, and High Performance Management etc.


He speaks to audiences in Malaysia, around the Asia-Pacific Region, and occasionally in Europe.

He was a member of the Malaysia Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS) & the Malaysia Institute of Management (MIM) and a registered corporate trainer with the Human Resource Development Federation of Malaysia (HRDF).

Academically - he has acquired a Diploma in Sales Management from IMM, a Diploma in Business & Management from Swansea, a BA majoring in Psychology from University of Hawaii, a MBA and a PhD in Organizational Behavior from IUKL.


Working Experience - With his more than 30 years of multi-industrial experience complemented with his 20 years as a professional corporate trainer, he has amassed volumes of skills and ideas. He is more than a lecturer, he is a corporate trainer qualified with years of in-depth multi-industrial experience.


During this 2-day program he will impart 30 years of his research and invaluable experiences on the subject matter to the participants.

All in all, he has provided corporate training to more than 700 companies ranging from manufactories, universities, pharmacies, housing developers, hotels, wholesalers……to banks and insurance companies etc.


His approach to facilitating seminars is – research-based & up-to-date informative, entertaining, highly motivating and at the same time, serious in approach to ensure that learning is effectively projected into action and results.


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Recharge Back Your Enthusiasm is a highly motivational training programme. People need mental defragmentation and reboot through reflective meditation and motivation from time to time. This motivation workshop is ideal to do just that.