Why this program for your staffs?
There may be various reasons, such as:
1) Refusal or reluctance to accept additional work
2) Performing averagely and unable or unwilling to
3) Do just enough work to justify being employed
4) Not agreeable to be transferred
5) Freeze because of major changes
6) Prevent Negative Influences by Others
7) Have developed many bad habits
8) Not agreeable with new ideas
9) Not loyal and lack sincerity towards management
10) Do work hastily and often make mistakes
11) Unable to focus on work and is easily distracted
by trivia
12) Not punctual to work
13) Hardly deliver assignments on time
14) Like to gossip and back-talk
15) Mix personal feelings with duties
16) Racialist and gender bias
17) Judgmental and/or temperamental
18) Not interested to improve
19) Lack team-spirit and cooperation
20) Generally is very pessimistic
· The Mechanics of Paradigms (paradigm effect-paradigm
paralysis-paradigm shift)
· From Static Mindset to Growth Mindset
· Revolutionalize your Approach to Work
· If you cannot be Creative, at least be Innovative
· Awakening through Embracing Changes & Accepting
· Becoming a Futuristic Person in Life and at Work
· Manage your Time - Time is Life!
· Know that Everyone is a Leader - Awakening the
leadership spirit in you
· Awakening the ''''Servant Leader'''' in You! The Negative
Cob-webs of Life
· Be Confident, be Positive - Take Calculated Risks!
· No more Monday Blues!
· Up-perform - Do more than you are Paid!
· Develop a Competitive Spirit!
· The Definition of P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S
· Review & Re-engineer your Approach to Work
· Distress! - The only Way is to be Organized & be
Action Oriented
· Self-empowerment through Forgiveness &
· Nega-Thiefs are the Worst Thieves - Get Rid of Them
· The 3 Greater Ways towards Personal Transformation
· Appreciating the Qualities of Self-empowered People
· Learn to Unconditionally Appreciate Teamwork under
any Circumstances
· Discovering your Potential - Don''''t let it be Buried!
· The 7 Windows of Success (mental-spiritual-social-family-career-financial-physical)
· Understanding and Appreciating the Psychosocial Work
Environment and its
· Understanding the Different Types of Personality at
Work and Take Advantage of
their Strengths
· Establishing Purpose in Life and Work
· Paying the Price to Achieve Success and Happiness
· Transformation and your Future is your
"You can achieve anything you want in life if you
have the courage to dream it, the intelligence to make a realistic plan,
and the will to see that plan through to the end".
· Improve commitment, focus and elevate performance
· Improve self-appreciation, ethics and cooperation
Day (From 9am to 5pm)
Interactive lecture – EQ development – Continuous
motivation – Brain storming – Inspirational Songs – Light activities – Video
arranged – depending on location and number of participants
William Leon Chua BA MBA DBA PhD is the Founder and Principal
Consultant of DRC Management & Training PLT (formerly known as
reflect the seriousness in the mission to assist Companies to compete effectively
& successfully. A sought-after management consultant; and compelling
corporate trainer & motivator on leadership, teamwork, interpersonal
skills, communication skills, strategic marketing, professional selling
skills, customer service, corporate & social ethics, mind-set change,
and high performance management, he speaks to audiences around the
Asia-Pacific Region, and occasionally in Europe. He is the director and
producer of two corporate training videos – ‘Manifestation &
Transformation’ and ‘The Kung-Fu of Business Management’. The video
‘Manifestation & Transformation’, a paradigm-shifting video that
challenges our thoughts in tandem with what Mother Nature has to offer and
that success is within everyone’s reach. As for the video ‘The Kung-Fu of
Business Management’, a great expound on Age Old Wisdom with the Way of
Modern Management. Dr. William is able to infuse the maxims, concepts and
philosophy of the Martial Arts into the essence of Modern Management based
on his more than 30 years involvement in the Martial Arts. Both videos
offer learnable and measurable skills that make organizations more
competitive, more profitable, managers more leadership driven, people more
productive and relationships more positively energizing.
He is a
member of the Malaysia Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS) and a
registered corporate trainer with the Human Resource Development Federation
of Malaysia (HRDF).
- he has acquired a Diploma in Sales Management, a Diploma in Business
& Management, a BA majoring in Psychology, a MBA, and a PhD in
Organizational Behaviour. In the past he has worked in a managerial
capacity with eleven companies including multi-nationals, both locally in
Malaysia and in Canada & Hawaii; designated in various positions, some
of which are – Branch Manager, Agency Manager, Group Marketing Manager,
Group Human Resource Manager, General Manager & CEO. His working
exposure in industries such as financial & investment, construction
& manufacturing, time-share & hospitality etc. has complemented his
academic mind-set to enable him as an effective management consultant &
corporate trainer. During the last 15 years he has facilitated a myriad of
seminars to more than 750,000 professionals (from more than 500 Companies),
including students. Besides, he has also trained more than 5,000 of his
disciples in the way of the mixed martial arts from year 1982 to 2000.