#99 sales strategies, sales strategies, #sales tactics, #many sales strategies, #HRDC approves sales training, #PSMB approved sales program, #HRDF approved sales seminar, #professional selling skills, #improve your sales, #Asia Seminar
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  Training Programme
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HRDC Public Seminars for Year 2025
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Teambuilding-Teambonding Workshops
The Way of the Martial Arts
99 Sales Strategies


A 2-Day Seminar

A must for those who need to thoroughly establish the foundation of their professional selling skills



In this SEMINAR, we delve into the challenging yet interesting & exciting field of sales with 99 potent sales strategies to improve your approach to selling successfully. Providing a helicopter view of every facet of selling and covering a wide spectrum of techniques, from prospecting to closing, this compilation provides a practical guide to understand & sharpen your sales prowess. Multiple sales strategies are vital in providing clear objectives and guidance for the sales team. It gives you a long-term plan for the future with a detailed road map for achieving your sales goals while preempting any problems you might encounter. Moreover, as your sales strategies is unique to your business, it provides a way to differentiate your business from that of your competitors.



Acquiring as many sales strategies can and will improve your performance and possibly exceeds your given sales target. In this seminar you will be able to establish the foundation of your selling skills, identify your gray & black areas for improvement, develop new skills, develop confidence and enhance your abilities. Selling skills are obviously useful for anyone who need to increase sales & therefore need to interact with a wide spectrum of customers.



All Marketing & Sales Managers, Sales Executives, including all Dealers & Sales Agents. Whether you are selling products or services, this seminar is for you.



Power Point Presentation, Interactive Lecture, Motivation, Brainstorming, Role-Play, Gamification, Simulations, Case Study, Exclusive Videos





Day 1


1. Image Management, Look Your Best

2. Take Pride in Your Profession

3. Get Motivated

4. Act like a Consultant

5. Be Obsessed - Be Resilient, Never Give Up

6. Remember your Commitments

7. Plan the Day Efficiently

8. Always Start Early

9. Believe that the Client Need you

10. Know your Competitors

11. See Potential Clients at Least 3 Times

12. While You Are on The First Visit,

Create a New Plan with Each New Prospect

13. Connect with Decision-makers

14. Treat the Gatekeeper as a Stakeholder

15. Know How to Develop Inter-dependent Relationships

16. Optimism - Maintain a Positive Attitude

17. Raise Tough Issues Yourself

18. Ask Yourself the Right Questions

19. Make your Sales Pitch Exciting

20. Never Underestimate the Prospect’s Intelligence

21. The Client will Negotiate

22. Be prepared for any Questions & Objections

23. Listen & Take Notes

24. Empathize - Understand the Customer’s Perspective

25. Don’t See the Prospect as an Adversary

26. Communicate That You Are a Person to Be Trusted  

27. Take the Prospect’s Point of View

28. Never Focus on the Negatives

29. Understand the Importance of Prospecting

30. Social Selling via social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.

31. Build up your Database

32. Prospect Effectively

33. Make Appointments Ahead of Time

34. Segregate your Clients according to their Business Volume

35. Mark & Place your Clients by Territory

36. Manage Your Time & Territory Efficiently

37. Only Spend Time on Qualified Leads

38. Emotional Intelligence - Manage Emotions & Understand How Others Feel

39. Control the Flow - Take the Lead During the Presentation

40. Beware of Trying Too Hard to “Convince”

41. Don’t Allow Distraction

42. Consider Yourself to Be a Messenger of Change

43. Learn the Art of Conducting a Great First Meeting

44. Establish Rapport

45. Learn How to Sell to the Different Customer Personalities

46. Use Evidence & People Proof

47. Engage the Prospect in Your Presentation

48. Put the Prospect’s Interest First

49. Be Prepared with your Defenses

50. Be Comfortable with Rejection – Don’t Panick




51. Always Have a Backup Plan

52. Calibrate Body Language

53. Polish Your Inter-personal Skills

54. Improve your Communication Skills

55. Improve Your Sales Linguistic Skills

56. Tell the Truth, Never Assume

57. Don’t Get Fooled by “Sure Things”

58. Act Like an Equal

59. Show Confidence & Exude Enthusiasm

60. Take Quiet Time to Review & Think

61. Keep Sales Tools Organized

62. Keep Your Sense of Humor

63. Be Punctual, Arrive before the Time of your Appointment

64. Don’t Take Rejection Personally

65. Don’t Present Too Early

66. Start Making Sense

67. Verify Your Information

68. Prioritize, Don’t Apologize

69. Time Management: Prioritize Tasks Effectively

70. Get Competitive & Seize Opportunities

71. Strategize at Least Once Week in Advance

72. Keep Up to Date & Find Out What’s Changed

73. Know the 5 Steps of an Organized Sale Presentation

74. Trust-building Skills

75. Use the AIDA Concept

76. Get in the ‘Yes’ Answers

77. Know When to Compromise or Retreat

78. Review Important Questions Before the Meeting

79. Be 100% with your Product Knowledge

80. Improve your Technical Skills

81. Review After Each Sales Appointment

82. Learn to Use Questions to Your Advantage

83. Ask for the Close at Least 5 Times

84. Acquire & Apply Different Closing Techniques

85. Close Confidently & Be Assuring

86. Follow Up - Ask for the Next Appointment

87. Ask for Referrals

88. Never Walk Away Showing Disappointment 

89. Tell Everyone You Meet Who You Work for an What You Sell

90. Prepared for Stand-Up Presentation

91. Know How to Make Your Product

or Service Fit Someplace Else

92. Give Speeches to Business and Civic Groups

93. Publish Blogs or Videos on Social Medias to share Insights

94. Establish yourself as an Expert

95. Keep in Contact with Past Clients

96. Never Delay, Always Take Immediate Action

97. Return Calls Immediately or Latest Within the Hour

98. Read Industry Publications (Yours and     Your Clients’)

99. Future Selling







William Leon Chua PhDis the Founder, Chief Trainer and Principal Consultant of DRC Management & Training PLT. He is a sought-after management consultant and compelling corporate trainer & motivator on Street-Smart Selling, Selling with Neuro-Linguistic Skills, Sales Psychology, Sales Motivation, Professional Selling Skills, Time & Territory Management in Selling, Leadership & Sales Management, Strategic Marketing, Strategic Management, Teambuilding, Interpersonal & Communication skills, Customer Service, Sun Tzu Art of War, Corporate Ethics, Mindset Change, TQM, and High-Performance Management etc. He speaks to audiences in around the Asia-Pacific Region, and occasionally in Europe.

He was a member of the Malaysia Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS) & the Malaysia Institute of Management (MIM) and he is a registered corporate trainer with the Human Resource Development Corporation of Malaysia (HRDC) since 1999.

Academically, he has acquired a Diploma in Sales Management, a Diploma in Business & Management, a BA major in Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Behavior.

Working Experience - With his more than 30 years of multi-industrial experiences complemented with his years as a professional corporate trainer, he has amassed volumes of skills, strategies, techniques, and ideas. He is more than a lecturer; he is a corporate trainer qualified with years of in-depth multi-industrial experiences.

During this 1-day program he will impart more than 30 years of his research and invaluable training experiences on the subject matter to the participants. All in all, he has provided corporate training to more than 700 companies ranging from various manufacturers, universities, hotels, time-share companies, wholesale companies, housing developers, forwarders, pharmaceutical companies, MLM companies, fund management companies, banks and insurance companies etc. both locally in Malaysia and abroad. His approach in facilitating seminars is expounded with years of hands-on experience, research-based & is up-to-date informative as well as edutaining, highly motivating and at the same time pragmatic to ensure that learning is effectively projected into action and results. He has to-date directed & produced 2 astounding motivational training videos: (1) Manifestation & Transformation (2) The Kung-Fu of Business Management.

His fields of expertise on corporate training among many other soft skills programs include:

(1) a wide range of Leadership Development Skills Programs,

(2) a series of Corporate Teambuilding & Team-bonding,

(3) Interpersonal & Communication Skills,

(4) Corporate Ethics & Discipline,

(5) Sun Tzu Art of War in Strategic Marketing,

(6) Professional Selling & Negotiation Skills,

(7) Sales Motivation,

(8) Sales Psychology,

(9) The Sales Samurai,

(10) a wide range of Customer Service Programs,

(11) Public Speaking Skills,

(12) Mind-set Change,

(13) Personal Development,

(14) Time Mastery & Goals Getting,

(15) Creative Thinking & Problem Solving,

(16) The Six Thinking Hats,

(17) Confidence & Power in Dealing with People,

(18) Stress Management,

(19) Security Management,

(20) Telephonic Skills,

(21) Grooming & Personality Enhancement etc.


DRC Management & Training PLT

Website: www.asia-seminar.com

Email: drleonchua@gmail.com / william@asia-seminar.com

WhatsApp: 013-7296728 / 0162095570



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#99 sales strategies, sales strategies, #sales tactics, #many sales strategies, #HRDC approves sales training, #PSMB approved sales program, #HRDF approved sales seminar, #professional selling skills, #improve your sales, #Asia Seminar